PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia, 1980
Convergence properties of discrete-time stochastic estimation algorithms
ME, Electrical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia, 1977
Matrix tranfer function descriptions of linear systems
BSc (Hons I), Applied Mathematics, Sydney University, Australia, 1976
Problems concerning stability in a sector for deterministic control systems: the problems of Lur'e and Aizerman
Contact Me

+1 858 822 3477
Bob is currently in Germany
University of California, San Diego
MAE Department MS-0411
Jacobs Hall, Room 1609
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA 92093-0411

Bob at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice France, December 2019 towards the conclusion of his term as President of the IEEE Control Systems Society. He is sporting a Kalman FC scarf; they lost to Lyapunov United that year. COVID-19 put paid to the 2020 Control Systems Cup; Kalman FC would have won for sure
Areas of Expertise:
Control Systems: Model Predictive Control, stochastic control, network control
Modeling & System Identification: experiment design, applications
State Estimation: Kalman filtering, nonlinear filtering, Bayesian filtering
Signal Processing: filter design, quantized systems
Telecommunications: network congestion, coding, MIMO wireless
Industrial applications of control, modeling & estimation: process control, aerospace, ore griding, combustion instabiltiies, steel, sugar, mobile communications, natural gas, helicopters, photolithography
Leadership positions
2024 Alexander von Humboldt Research Award
2021 IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member
2015 IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award for advanced control applications in a range of industry sectors where each has involved innovation in theory to achieve the practical outcome
2014 ASME Rufus T. Oldenburger Medal for sustained contributions, in both theory and application, to joint system modeling and control design; and for work that has had major impact on model predictive control and controller certification based on experimental data
2002 IFAC Outstanding Service Award for sustained outstanding performance in major leadership positions in IFAC
2001-2006 IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer
2005 Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control
1999 Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering
1994 Australian National University Vic-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Teaching
1991 Fellow of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
1989 Austalian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board Medal
IEEE Control Systems Society: Immediate Past President 2020, President 2019, President Elect 2018, Vice-president for Financial Activities 2015-16, common or garden member 1976-2015, 2017, 2021-present
Editor-in-Chief IFAC Journal of Systems & Control from foundation in 2017 to 2022
UCSD Associate Vice-Chancellor for Academic Personnel 2006-2009
Cooperative Research Centre for Robust & Adaptive Systems, Australia, Executive Director, 1992-1999
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC): Council member 1996-2002, Fellow Search Committee chair 2017-2020, Fellow Selection Committee chair 2014-2017, member 2011-2014
Defunct websites
Update: Bob retired from UCSD on June 30, 2024 and is still active
Unfortunately, he is not looking for new PhD students or postdocs
September 2024 - January 2025 at Institute for Systems Theory & Automatic Control
University of Stuttgart, Germany